Trophies, Plaques, Medallions, Ribbons,
Acrylics, Clocks, Desk Sets, Signage, Chenille

All imprint prices include layout and design by experienced artists who will select an assortment of appropriate type styles and sizes to give the award or signage an attractive and professional appearance. Requests for special layout and type styles will require artwork charges.

Laser Engraving






Rotary Engraving




Screen Print


Hot Stamp


Etched Metal


Cast Metal


Vinyl Lettering


Laser Engraving

State-of-the-art laser technology to engrave wood, metal, glass, and acrylic items. Winning Edge can reproduce black and white logos without large setup fees. We can design your plaque using almost unlimited typestyles and electronic art. Laser engraving costs $0.50 per square inch with upcharges for non-standard substrates.

Rotary Engraving

Our computer engravers have the capability of engraving various type fronts plus logos and ornamental details. Computer engraving costs $0.20 per character.


Digital, computer-generated imprinting which can reproduce original artwork, logos, drawings, newspaper articles, photos, etc., onto specially coated brass and aluminum to make custom and personalized awards and signage.

Priced by square inch which includes stock typeset:

Sublimation costs $0.50 per square inch. Artwork fees will apply to special layouts, photographs, and logos.

Sublimation characteristics:

Can only print dark colors on light color substrate.

Color guarantees are not available.

PMS color matches are not possible. A best efforts approach will be taken.


Exact reproduction of artwork onto gold or silver aluminum. Black imprint only. Holds up to outdoor elements without fading. GREAT for pictures. All pricing must be custom quoted.


Preserves valuable documents by laminating them to wood plaques. Protects from air contamination. All pricing must be custom quoted.

Screen Print

Spot color printing process similar to screen printing on t-shirts. Color matches are available. Priced by quantity and number of imprint colors. All pricing must be custom quoted.

Hot Stamp

Economical imprint method. Not as durable a screen printing. Color selection is limited. Close registration is not recommended. All pricing must be custom quoted.

Etched Metal

Interior use only. Dimensional look and feel - 0.125” thickness. Less costly than casted plaques. Can reproduce line art and halftone pictures. All pricing must be custom quoted.

Cast Metal

Text and line artwork is cast into bronze or aluminum. Pictures can be incorporated via several methods. High appeal and durability. Outdoor stable. Dimensional look and feel - 0.5” thickness. All pricing must be custom quoted.

Vinyl Lettering

Computer cut vinyl material with an adhesive backing which is applied to any smooth substrate. Color selection is limited. Fine detail is limited. All pricing must be custom quoted.


Special Offers

Recognition Awards

Individual Plaque

Team Plaque

Certificate Plaque


ADA Signage

Name Tags
Wall & Desk Signage

Trophy Series
Plaque Series

Imprint Methods



 Winning Edge - 120 South Poplar - Centralia - Illinois - 62801 - Phone 618-533-2393
General Email: - Copyright © 2006 - Winning Edge USA, llc - All Rights Reserved.