


Ad Specialties Artwork


Winning Edge is a custom imprint company. We engrave, screen print, embroider, sublimate, and applique your design onto various award, activewear, and ad specialty items. Examples include plaques, signs, shirts, hats, uniforms, pens, pencils, cups, and magnets. These items are typically used to promote and recognize your organization, personnel, and its properties. Whether you are purchasing for yourself, team, school, business, organization, or event, Winning Edge is eager to help you get the product you want.

Winning Edge's foundation is based on quality products backed with personal, professional customer service which extends beyond the point of sale to insure customer satisfaction.

Winning Edge has two retail locations, Centralia and Mt. Vernon, serving Southern Illinois and our website serving customers nationwide.

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 Winning Edge - 120 South Poplar - Centralia - Illinois - 62801 - Phone 618-533-2393
General Email: - Copyright © 2006 - Winning Edge USA, llc - All Rights Reserved.